About Electric Scroll Author Services

An image of an open book with the words 'write large upon the pages of your life that your story may be well read'

As a small publishing house, The Electric Scroll is limited in how many authors we can publish - our staff is small, and there are only so many hours in a day. Our desire to see authors feeling the joy of holding their book in their hands far outstrips our ability to make that happen.

As a publisher, we generally work with the author through at least two rounds of editing with two editors and the author each going over the book twice, then the book is turned over to the designer for the interior design and formatting phase, and then it's given to the cover designer. The full process takes four months or more to accomplish.

Our Author Services department offers the same services to the independent author. They can have one editor go over their manuscript in a single pass. The design and formatting of both the interior and cover can be accomplished in less time than it takes to fully publish a book, but we use the same skill and attention to detail.

If you're an indy author bent on self-publishing, but you lack either the time or the skills to do your own formatting and cover creation, let us help you on your way. We're good, fast, and fairly inexpensive.

For more information, read our contract for book covers and formatting here, and editing here. One email to author-services@electric-scroll.com will get you started.

One of our clients, Aubri Wilson, author of Beside Them in Nature's Mirror and Life S t o k e s Embers, made this comment about our service. "Mischa provides excellent service for authors looking to self-publish. She communicates thoroughly and makes the process easy to get your manuscript fully ready and to your liking in a timely manner. She can provide appropriate guidance and asks the right questions to make sure you get what you want and need."