Service Portfolio

These images represent books where we've done work on the covers. Click on one to be taken to a bigger image, with a short explanation of what work was done. Keep in mind that these are low-resolution images to allow them to load faster; so there may be some blurriness. Actual book cover images will be high resolution. Additionally, due to differences in devices, colors will be displayed differently on screens than they are when printed.

Click here to download or view a pdf with samples from interior formatting we've done.

Click here to download or view a pdf with a listing of all books we've worked on through January 2021.

Thank you for considering The Electric Scroll as the source to find the professionals you need to get your book ready for publication.

Assignment to Earth front cover
Azalea's Trust front cover
Destruction at Decima front cover
Fabric of the World front 
Formatting for Amazon front cover
Deadly Gamble front cover
Encounter at Kiral front cover
Meet Me Midway front cover
Beside Them in Nature's Mirror front cover
The Bad Penny front cover
Corpse on the Porch front cover
Web of Lies front cover